Tattoo FAQs

What does a man’s decision to get a slave obeys tattoo reveal about his beliefs and values?



A man’s decision to get a slave obeys tattoo can reveal a lot about his beliefs and values. In this article, we will discuss the potential implications of such a tattoo and what it might say about the individual who chooses to get it. We will explore the historical context of the term “slave obeys,” as well as the possible motivations behind someone choosing to permanently ink this phrase on their body.

What Does the Term “Slave Obeys” Mean?

The phrase “slave obeys” is a reference to the video game series BioShock, specifically the character Andrew Ryan who utters these words as a way to control the protagonist. In the game, the phrase is a reminder that the protagonist’s actions are not their own, but rather dictated by the will of another. By getting a tattoo that says “slave obeys,” an individual may be expressing a similar sentiment about themselves, feeling as though they are not in control of their own destiny.

Alternatively, someone may choose to get this tattoo as a form of rebellion against the idea of being a slave to anyone or anything. They may see it as a reminder to always question authority and not blindly follow orders. In this way, the phrase “slave obeys” can be interpreted as a statement of independence and defiance.

What Beliefs and Values Might Be Reflected in This Tattoo?

A man’s decision to get a slave obeys tattoo may reflect a variety of beliefs and values. It could indicate a distrust of authority figures and a desire to assert independence. It might also signify a recognition of the ways in which society can subtly control and manipulate individuals, prompting the wearer to be more vigilant in protecting their own autonomy.

On the other hand, someone with this tattoo may have a more complex relationship with power dynamics, seeing themselves as both the master and the servant in different aspects of their life. They may embrace the idea of surrendering control in certain contexts while fiercely guarding it in others. The tattoo could therefore represent a nuanced understanding of power and agency.

What Does This Tattoo Say About the Individual’s Identity?

The decision to get a slave obeys tattoo can be seen as a bold statement about the individual’s identity. It may signify a willingness to challenge societal norms and question established power structures. The wearer may see themselves as a rebel or a nonconformist, unafraid to challenge the status quo.

Alternatively, the tattoo could indicate a deep-seated insecurity or a sense of powerlessness. The individual may feel trapped in a situation where they have limited agency, and the tattoo serves as a constant reminder of their perceived lack of control. In this way, the tattoo becomes a form of self-expression and a reflection of the wearer’s inner struggles.


In conclusion, a man’s decision to get a slave obeys tattoo can reveal a lot about his beliefs and values. Whether seen as an act of rebellion, a declaration of independence, or a reflection of inner turmoil, this tattoo carries significant meaning for the individual who chooses to wear it. It serves as a reminder of the complexities of power dynamics and the ways in which individuals navigate their own autonomy in a world full of competing influences.


1. Can a slave obeys tattoo be considered offensive?

While the phrase itself may carry negative connotations, the interpretation of the tattoo ultimately depends on the individual wearing it. Some may see it as a statement of independence, while others may find it offensive or inappropriate.

2. Are there any cultural or historical associations with the term “slave obeys”?

The term “slave obeys” is most commonly associated with the video game BioShock and its themes of control and manipulation. However, the idea of being a slave to external forces has been a recurring theme throughout history in various contexts.

3. What are some alternative interpretations of a slave obeys tattoo?

Some may see the tattoo as a metaphor for self-imposed limitations or a reminder of the need to break free from societal constraints. Others may view it as a symbol of resilience and the ability to overcome adversity.

4. Does getting a slave obeys tattoo indicate a specific political stance?

While the tattoo itself does not necessarily align with any specific political ideology, it can be interpreted as a statement against authoritarianism and a call for individual autonomy and self-determination.

5. Are there any cultural taboos associated with the term “slave obeys”?

Due to its sensitive and potentially provocative nature, the term “slave obeys” may be considered taboo in certain contexts. It is important to consider the implications and potential reactions before getting such a tattoo.

NEXT: What is the symbolic meaning behind a hyena tattoo?

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